Inspired by the Japanese tale, Momotarō 桃太郎 🍑 The fictional hero who is courageous, compassionate and has a strong will to fight for what he stands for.
Just like our new Momotarō blend. It opens up your sensation with strong & aromatic fruity notes of peaches & berries 👃🏻 🍒 The first sip hit when the natural sweetness surrounds your palate, followed by a gentle candy-like aftertaste 🍬🔥
Our direct-fire roasting further enhances your experience with this ROBUST but mellow cup of goodness. ---------------------------------------------------
Taste Note: Peach, Berry, Candy Roasting: Medium Acidity:★★★☆☆ Sweetness:★★★★☆ Bitterness:★☆☆☆☆